Ru Baru Ishq Tha Drama Serial is a Romantic TV serial, directed by Furqan Khan and written by Amber Azhar under production house of TNI Productions. Ru Baru Ishq Tha stars Danish Taimoor, Ushna Shah and Sanam Chaudhry in lead roles. It began airing on 22 June 2018 and subsequently on Fridays at 8:00 PST on Geo Entertainment.It also marks the appearance of legendary actors on small screen like Javed Shaikh and Ayub Khoso.
Written by: Amber Azhar
Directed by: Furqan Khan
Produced by: Zeeshan Khan
Production House: TNI Productions
Distributor: Geo Entertainment
- Ushna Shah As Salwa
- Danish Taimoor As Almeer
- Seemi Pasha As Aalia
- Sanam Chaudhry As Ayyan
- Ali Abbas As Wahaj
- Najia Baig As Uzma
- Rubeena Ashraf As Riffat Ara
- Javed Sheikh As Murad
- Agha Talal As Fawad
- Ayub Khoosa As Iftikhar
- Sana Humayun As Anusha
- Shazia Qaisar As Safia
- Owais Waseer As Sherdil